Assignment 1

Exercise 1

My hometown was a secluded place to grow up. It’s filled with the excitement of a single traffic light. Built around a reservoir that most would never swim in unless you lived in the grove. And just recently the only grocery store finally shut down in the strip mall where nothing survived.

Laci had a rather eccentric style. Not the kind you would see hanging out in front of hot topic. But the kind where her scent was more earthy rather than fruity. Her jeans had holes but not ones that were put there on purpose. And her t shirt was always just a little too long on her. Like she was trying to keep the world away from her.

Mr. Brown is the worst teacher I’ve ever had. He has no passion, no drive, and puts forth no effort. Any attempt I make to get extra help he sends me away leaving me feeling defeated and worthless. It’s not my fault I don’t understand chemistry. It’s more than clear that teaching is his passion and searching the web for breaking news is.

The room seemed very institutional. Cold. Yes, the building is brand new, but this room is uninviting. There is nothing on the walls. Nothing draws you in. There is nothing that makes you want to enter and sit for a while. It’s not homie, and the people here don’t help. It’s the feeling it’s supposed to give you. It’s missing.

The room was small. Windows at the far end of the room from ceiling to floor. A pillar in the center of the room that blocked the view of the people sitting on the right-hand side. Chairs lined the perimeter of the slanted rectangle. A few awkward back to back chairs were placed in the middle. The focus of the entire room was an old flat screen tv that was hip in the early 2000’s. I chose my seat in the right-hand corner. Where the glass windows met the wall. It had everything. A chair with a side table, a lamp, and an outlet close by. Everything was quiet as I checked the tv for an update. My fingernails chewed from weeks of waiting. My stomach in knots more than usual. Looking disheveled this day rather than normal. A loud voice comes barreling through the door. Surprised as I am to see her, her only concern was smoking a cigarette. I’m annoyed. With so much going on how is that your concern? Just as quickly as she came in, she left. And I go back into my own thoughts. My stomach sinks more as my phone rings. She’s waking up finally, and it was successful. I can go upstairs finally to see her now.  

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